My Photography Journey…

Love what you do and do what you love. Imagination should be the centre of your life.

Ray Bradbury

This quote sums up the way I live my whole life really, and why I chose photography and digital marketing as my career. Photography has always been a passion of mine since I was a young. The ability to capture that special moment in time fascinated me and it still does.

From an IT background, I gradually progressed into digital marketing and now have over 18 years experience in this ever evolving field. As with any marketing, imagry is critial to any business, their services and products. I wanted to expand my photography from purely just a “hobby” and the odd job-shoot, after several friends said I should look into becoming a professional. I started by studying Business Photography in 2012, with horses (one of my other loves) being a huge part of my work.

I became an event and equestrian portrait photographer, shooting private comissions to dressage, show jumping and cross-country events around the North East. It wasn’t until I was asked to photograph a Charity Shoot Day for a friend of a friend that I realised just how much Fieldsport suited me, and how much I loved it!

Today, I enjoy a fantastic balance of Equestrian, Fieldsport and Portrait photography, surrounded by all things natural, and I’m humbled that I can call this my job!

It really has been an amazing journey so far and I’m looking forward to where my next path will take me.